Current tag: ibps cwe notification 2011
ibps cwe for recruitment of Specialist Officers jobs
Written on:December 29, 2011

COMMON WRITTEN EXAMINATION [CWE] FOR RECRUITMENT OF SPECIALIST OFFICERS IN 19 PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS “Banking in India is graduating from general to specialized.” The sector therefore needs specialist officers in various fields like IT, Technical, Agriculture, Legal, Marketing, HR, etc. and also in Rashtrabhasha. Having successfully held similar examinations, IBPS will conduct CWE on behalf of following 19 banks, for candidates to qualify for recruitment in the aforesaid specialist. A…
Read more...In category: Agriculture Officers, Bank Specialist Officers, Information Technology Officers, marketing officers, Officers(scale-1)
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Tags:bank job recruitment , bank jobs in india , bank po jobs , banking jobs in india , banking jobs india , banking knowledge for ibps exam , common bank clerk exam , common bank exam for clerk , computer knowledge for ibps , ibps banking , ibps common bank clerk exam , ibps computer knowledge , ibps cwe 2011 recruitment , ibps cwe it jobs 2011 , ibps cwe IT Officers 2011 , ibps cwe jobs , ibps cwe mca jobs , ibps cwe notification 2011 , ibps cwe recruitment , specialist jobs in banks
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