IBPS 2nd CWE – Probationary Officer posts Recruitment

IBPS, an autonomous body, has been authorised by IBA and has received a mandate from the 19 Public Sector Banks listed below to conduct the Common Written Examination. The CWE for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts will be conducted twice a year by IBPS. Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts : Age : 20-30 years, (As on 01.01.2012) Qualification : A degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any…
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Sail recruitment – Jr. Assistant (Trainee) posts 2012
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Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), a Maharatna Company, is the leading steel-making company in India with a turnover of Rs.47, 103 crores (FY 10-11). The company is one of the major profit earning corporate of the country. SAIL, is in the process of modernizing and expanding its production units, raw material resources and other facilities to maintain its dominant position in the Indian steel market. Central Marketing Organisation (CMO)…
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Exim bank officer recruitment – Administrative Officers jobs
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Export-Import Bank of India invites Applications for the position of Administrative Officers (Secretarial Work) in Mumbai. Export-Import Bank of India, an all India financial institution engaged in financing, facilitating and promoting India’s international trade, having a network of 16 offices in India and overseas and Learning Centres in Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Pune invites applications from ng experienced secretarial and administrative professionals, for the positions of Administrative Officers, in Mumbai, meeting the…
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Syndicate Bank – Recruitment Of 1000 Agricultural Assistants in Clerical cadre
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[ad#468x15 unit new] Syndicate Bank, a Premier Nationalised Bank, invites ONLINE applications from Indian citizens for recruitment of 1000 Agricultural Assistants in Clerical cadre. Payment of fees accepted at Syndicate Bank‘s Branches between 25.11.2011 & 15.12.2011. OPENING DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION 25.11.2011 LAST DATE FOR MAKING ONLINE APPLICATION 15.12.2011 DATE OF WRITTEN TEST – ONLINE/OFFLINE 22.01.2012 Agricultural Assistants : 1000 posts (UR-545, SC-155, ST-54, OBC-246) in various states, Pay Scale…
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State Bank of India (SBI) – Cosnultants recruitment
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[ad#468x15 unit new] State Bank of India is looking for professional with suitable domain expertise to provide relevant inputs, specifically in the technical and commercial area, to enable the appraising / monitoring team to fully grasp the nuances of various assumptions, events and situations which could have an implication on the risk parameters/mitigations, pace, and impact on the actual implementation compared to project schedule and keep these Groups abreast of…
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Vijaya Bank Recruitment of Specialist and Generalist Officers – 2011-2012
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[ad#468x15 unit new] Vijaya Bank, a strong and fast growing Public Sector Bank, with its Head Office at Bangalore having a network of 1250 branches plus offices all over India, with a total employee strength of around 11,500, was founded on 23.10.1931, invites Online applications for recruitment to the following posts of Specialist/ Generalist Officers : Chief Manager – Company Secretary : 01 post Chief Manager – Credit : 05…
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LIC Recruitment – 8600 DSE Posts
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Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)- the oldest & most popular public sector insurance company in India was formed in the year 1956.Currently with over 2000 branches across 8 zones of the nation, LIC announced recruitment for 8691 DSE posts. Applications are invited for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives on contract basis for 3 years . Direct Sales Executives (DSE) : 600 posts in Eastern Zone Office, Kolkata Direct Sales…
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