Aryavart Gramin Bank (AGB) has announced recruitment project 2011 for Officers & Office Assistants.
Posts: Officer (scale I)
Vacancies: 38 posts
Payscale: Rs.22650 /month
Posts: Office Assistant
Vacancies: 67 posts
Payscale: Rs.11300 /month
Posts: Officer (scale II)
Vacancies: 10 posts
Payscale: Rs.30350 /month
Posts: Officer (scale III)
Vacancies: 3 posts
Payscale: Rs.40200 /month
* Should be 18 –28 yrs of age, as on 31.12.2010
* Bachelor degree of a recognized university in any discipline or its equivalent.
* Good knowledge of English & Hindi languages is required
* Computer Knowledge or awareness will be an added qualification.
* Must be a resident of UP (only for office assistants)
Online application registration: 13.04.2011 to 12.05.2011
Written test for Officers – 03.07.2011
Written test for Assistants – 10.07.2011
Selection process:
Selection process of Aryavart gramin bank recruitment has Written Test & Interview.
Application Fees:
Rs.400 (others) or Rs.100(SC/ST) for office assistant & Rs.500
(others) & Rs.100 (SC/ST) should be paid at Aryavart Gramin Bank or
Bank of India before May 12.After fee payment, application has to be
submitted online at
Click here to download the Notification and Apply online of
Aryavart Gramin Bank Recruitment 2011