Union Bank of India, Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation invites ON-LINE Applications for recruitment to the following posts.Union Bank of India has announced recruitment for 1922 posts including 1165 Probationary Officers.
Post: Probationary Officer
Vacancies: 1165 posts
Age: Min.21 & Max.30
* Graduation with 55% aggregate marks & Diploma in banking and finance (Preferable), as on 31.10.2010
* Have to submit certificate in computer awareness from a training institute.
Post: Assistant Manager (Marketing)
Vacancies: 289 posts
Age: Min.21 & Max.30
Post: Assistant Manager (Rural Development)
Vacancies: 250 posts
Age: Min.21 & Max.30
Post: Manager( IT)
Vacancies: 40
Age: Min.21 & Max 35
Opening Date for ON-LINE Applications : 02.11.2010
Last Date for ON-LINE Applications & ON-LINE SUBMISSION : 22.11.2010
Written Test – 9.01.2011
Selection Process would be Written test & Interview would be conducted for PO positions.
Application fee of Rs.300 for Gen/OBC has to be paid with the payment challan at any Union bank of India
branch before 22.11.2010.With the payment details, candidates have to apply online through www.unionbankofindia.co.in & submit the registration form.Can apply for any 1 post only.
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