NABARD(National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development) has recently announced recruitment for 170 Assistant Managers.
Post: Assistant Manager
Vacancies :170 posts( various depts.)
Pay scale: Rs.11250 – 22500
Age : 21- 28 yrs for UG & 21 – 30 yrs for PG candidates, as on 1.07.2010
Important Dates:
Online registration of applications – June 14, 2010 to July 12, 2010
Written exam to be held on August 22, 2010
Candidates interested to apply for NABARD Asst.Manager jobs ,
* Candidates must have secured 55% in UG OR 55% in PG (any subject),as on 1.07.2010 (refer notification for qualifications about specialist posts)
* Knowledge in computer operations is desirable
Selection process:
The selection process has a Preliminary exam, which is a screening test.Candidates with high scores will be called for the Main examination (2 papers)
Application process:
The fees of Rs.350 & Rs.50 (SC/ST) has to be paid at any SBI branch between June 14 – July 12, using the payment challan available in the bank website.After making payment, candidates have to apply online through the website & print-out of the application has to be taken.
click here to download and apply the NABARD Asst.Manager recruitment notification
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